Services we offer

Retinal photography
Retinal photography is taking a photograph of the inside lining (retina) of the eyeball. The photograph taken and assessed by the optometrist before being stored in your record to build up a picture of your eyes’ health over time. This is an invaluable tool when checking for progression of various eye diseases including macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetes and high blood pressure.
Ultra wide retinal field scanning
Ultra-wide retinal field photography is offered to produce panoramic photographs of the retina. This much broader picture allows your optometrist to better assess retinal health as a whole and is especially useful for detecting retinal tears and diabetic retinopathy.
Visual field testing
Visual field testing is used to assess peripheral vision and maps the sensitivity of vision over the visual field. This test can help when assessing for damage anywhere from the macula or the optic nerve through to the neural visual pathways to the brain. Results are always stored as repeated visual fields are very useful to check for progression in eye diseases such as glaucoma.
Optical Coherence Tomography(OCT), 3D imaging
Our practice was an early adopter (2013) of the technology of Optical Coherent Tomography OCT. This allows imaging through the retinal tissues on a microscopic level. OCT imaging can detect disease and damage to tissues even before the patient is aware of problems.
Corneal topography
Corneal topography is used to accurately measure and map the contour of the cornea. This allows us to create the best possible fit for contact lenses and is especially important in complex fittings. Corneal topography can also be used to assess tear quality for dry eye problems.
We can provide pharmaceutical prescriptions for eye medications to treatment of a wide range of eye conditions ranging from conjunctivitis to glaucoma.
Children’s vision
80% for learning is done through the sense of sight hence the importance is addressing vision disorders early in life. Our optometrists have years of experience in paediatric optometry. So, whatever the concern with your child’s eyes or even just for peace of mind, it is important to have your child’s eye examined.
For more comprehensive information about children’s vision problems please watch the video below -
A Spa for your eyes that provides a moist heat to your eye-lids helping to relieve symptoms of Meibomian Gland disease and associated dry eye diseases.